Analysis Of Notes From Underground By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky created the novel, Notes From Underground, holding insightful thoughts on the purpose and meaning of life. In the novel, Dostoyevsky creates the character, the Underground Man. He laments human’s inconsistencies and their inability to grasp the meaninglessness of existence; while they work tirelessly to exert control over their uncontrollable environments. Human desire for power is epitomized in their attempts to rebel against the physiological laws of nature that govern the human body. The Underground Man would be infuriated over the advancements made in gene therapy to reverse diseases. Modern science cites the saving of lives as the purpose for their pursuit. While the Underground Man would bellow, “You megalomaniac fools. …show more content…

CALD is predominantly discovered in male children because it is carried in the mother’s X gene. When females are born they have two X genes. If one is abnormal the other gene will compensate. Males do not have two X genes, so if the mother passes a CALD infected X gene to a male child he will develop the disease. Originally, scientists utilized donor stem cells to fight this disease. This method resulted in numerous patients rejecting the treatment and becoming sick. The genetic material had to be as close as possible and only had real success when the patient had a sibling. Today doctors eliminate the need for donor stem cells by harnessing the patient’s own blood stem cells. Blood stem cells create adult blood cells. The blood stem cells are cultured modified by inserting a correct form of the X gene. They are then reintroduced into the patient’s bone marrow after the patient undergoes chemotherapy. Chemotherapy destroys bone marrow so there is room to reinsert the corrected blood stem cells. Carrying out this process manipulates the body into creating its own cure to the disease; eventually erasing the gene from the patient’s body. This process is still in clinical trials, but has shown an 88% success rate. Through future research, scientists hold high expectations of increasing that percentage. Giving more children the chance to live full …show more content…

The Underground Man’s exasperation begins at the realization that people are not in control of their own being—at all. This science only works to prove that it is pointless to try to make decisions for yourself. If a gene predetermines what is going to happen to the human body, then what sense is there in trying to make choices. If the genetic material predetermines how a person behaves then is a person really in control of their own personality; or are people, simply a collection of genetic material that is destined to proceed along a predetermined route through life to a known end? Further, with this advance in science are humans meddling in areas they have no business? Should a man live past the time the law of nature dictates that he dies? The Underground Man writhes in these questions searching to grasp the meaning of it

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