Analysis Of Meet Me And My Opposite

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Meet “Me” and my “Opposite”
My conformed profile is Introvert Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ). Picking the first component of the profile, Introvert, this shows that I am more of a “loner” and tends to keep things to myself rather than mingle and interact with people. As an introvert, I love being alone and a quiet and secluded environment this is because I tend to perform better this way than when I am in the midst of people. My motivation is from the inside thus I strive to ensure my inside is as healthy and peaceful as possible. The implication of this in academics is that I can hardly read and assimilate in a noisy or rowdy environment and I prefer studying alone to study with a group. Been an introvert would make me a good business strategist …show more content…

The second component of the profile is Intuitive and this entails seeing into the future and being optimistic about what the future holds. Apart from this, I noticed that I love acquiring new skills as my work or life demands of me- all geared towards been better, relevant and efficient in whatever I am involved in. What this means for my academic is that am always open to learn about new subjects including those that are not related to my course of study provided I am able to see the benefit they offer either now or in the nearest future. The third component of my profile is “Thinking” which involves making decisions based on rationale and logic rather than emotions. Often times, our emotions are not aligned with the realities of life and we are often divided between making decisions that are logically right or emotionally pleasing to us (Tolliver, 2007). The implication of being a “thinker” is that I am able to override and put my emotions under and make decisions based on the facts on ground. This makes me suitable for the business world because logical decisions are very effective and productive compared with decisions borne out of emotions. Finally, “Judging” is the last …show more content…

Been an extrovert she prefers to read and discuss whatever she just read with whoever is available and this is unlike me. The result is that Tolu kept disturbing with her discussions and this situation was difficult because I am an introvert that prefers to read alone or in a very quiet environment. The second situation when she came to spend with weekend with us and we share a room, Tolu played the music so loudly that I could barely sleep and this got me angry to the extent of exchanging words with

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