The Importance Of Autoethnography

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Until I read Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, I never thought that reading a graphic novel will make a difference in the ways I can approach socio-political issues. I thought I was reading a personal story about a girl growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. However, I realized that I was participating in the cultural, private and social narrative which triggered active multi-sensory responses. I connected emotionally with the author’s story, learnt about the Iranian and Austrian cultures and politics - which caused self-reflexivity and furthering my own understanding of those topics.

Stories are an essential part of understanding the world and forming identities - whether they are individual, cultural, national or of any other kind. …show more content…

Due to the variety of representational forms close to the realm of literature (poetry, plays, etc.) and the evocative language of the author who is both the subject and the researcher in the autoethnography - there are many challenges this method is facing (Berry & Adams, 2016). Since the autoethnographic work can fall anywhere on the continuum between the auto, ethno and graphy axes, so do methodological processes. Therefore many scholars agree that autoethnography should be ethnographic in its methods, cultural in interpretation and autobiographical in content orientation (Chang, 2008; Ellis, Adams, & Bochner, 2011). As such, some of the common practices for gathering data are in-depth dyadic interviews, examination of cultural practices and artifacts. Autoethnographers do not only tell a story - they compare their personal experience with existing research in order to analyze it and prove its …show more content…

Therefore the purpose of this paper is to (a) contribute to the small but evolving database of research on this method and its critique and (b) explore ways in which autoethnographic works can be used as a transformative tool in society. I will look at the existing body of research to draw conclusions and patterns regarding the understanding of this method. Then, I will investigate the potential applications of the autoethnography in areas of social justice, cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, emancipation of the scholar and peacebuilding through case studies and my own experiences as a

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