Analysis Of Macbeth

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i. After being named Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth is wonders if he can believe the rest of the witches' prophecies, saying “Glamis and Thane of Cawdor/ The greatest is behind,” (1.3.125-126) in other words it’s just what they said, and the best part of what they predicted is coming! To that, Banquo remarks, "oftentimes, to win us to our harm, / the instruments of darkness tell us truths, / Win us with honest trifles, to betrays / In deepest consequence" (1.3.123-126). Banquo is much more cautious, and warns Macbeth to be calmer; that the witches are just trying to trick him. “To win us our harm” is achieved by manipulating Macbeth into doing small things that will all add up to dire consequences- in this case, equivocation. ii. Act I Scene 3 seems to be where the play really starts. The Weird Sisters open Macbeth’s eyes to the idea of more power, and the passion of ambition. The (purposeful) awakening of that part of him is what leads to the next tragic events in the story. The way Macbeth handles the information from the Sisters is up to him. He can act or refrain from doing anything a...

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