Analysis Of Jane Howard's Essay In Search Of A Good Family

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Journalist, Jane Howard in her argumentative essay, “ In Search of a Good Family “ emphasized the markers of a good family. Howard's purpose is to give her opinion on families, because she thinks human being should not be alone. She adopts an educated, factual and knowledgeable time in order to appeal to similar feelings and experiences towards the whole country. Howard uses many rhetorical question, metaphors , repetition, and allusions to help her pull her argument together Howard argues how essential is to have a good family. All human being need a family , clan or a tribe in order to survive in the real world. No matter where you are or what are the circumstances you are going through. You would always have somewhere or someone to fall back to. …show more content…

One of Howard’s successful rhetorical question is “Should we not applaud and maybe imitate such ingenuity?”(284) This rhetorical question intends to make people think about our differences about our differences with Japan. In Japan they have system called a “ support system”, which so far the have succeeded. Therefore it makes the audience notice if Japan is doing it and having success, we can too. Howard also uses other questions like “ What can such times teach us about forming new and more lasting tribes in the future?”(284) to get the audience to think about how their families are and what could be learned and improved within their family as well. The author makes the audience afraid of the consequences, and so sways their opinion when she wants everyone to have a family and not be alone in the

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