Essay On Gender Stereotypes In The Walking Dead

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Double Binds Lead to Unfair Criticism Gender stereotypes are vastly present throughout the Walking Dead. Each of these characters plays an important role to the plot of the show. The episode “First Time Again” follows a ride as the group fends off their lives against horrid zombies. Some characters follow the nature as being masculine, while other characters tend to be more feminine. The characters shown in the Walking Dead resemble common gender stereotypes through the way they portray themselves. Rick is one of the main characters shown in the Walking Dead. Rick is an individual who is typically calm. He shows a side of his knowledge and how it pertains to survival, along with the nature of being a good friend. On the other hand, he has created stress within the group due to the morals that he possesses. However one of Rick’s greatest faults may be is his intuition to place …show more content…

She embodies a stereotypical female as she is devious and manipulative as well. Carol serves as a constant friend and counselor to Rick. She advises him with the most logical and smart move for the group. Matter taken into her hands does not affect the way she operates. She is also a great liar from time to time, and she has showed in an attempt to hide her more devious side. Whichever way suits her best, she will take. She still retains her sanity in situations in order for the group to believe her. She is also portrayed to be a housewife and be a nurturing mother. She makes people think that she is a weak woman, but this is not the case. Carol has a more manipulative side that makes her a force to be reckoned with. She embodies many characteristics of a stereotypical woman. She makes the group believe that she is the ideal woman for their team, because manipulation is what works best for her. In addition, she sports short hair which goes against the stereotypical norm of a

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