Analysis Of Franz Kafka's Before The Law

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Day after day, the farmer wakes up at dawn to milk the cows, feed the animals, plow the fields, and collect the crops. The man has a contract with corporate executives at a grocery chain who purchase his goods for the lowest possible rate, keeping the bulk of the profit for themselves. When the winter stretches into spring and the hailstorm destroys the sprouting crops, the man has nothing to sell. For years, he has worked tirelessly from dawn until dusk, but he barely makes any money the year of the storm. While the farmer is forced to auction off his livestock to earn enough money for daily necessities, the corporate suits indulge in luxury. Similar to this scenario, Franz Kafka, author of "Before the Law," criticizes the socioeconomic injustice that leaves hard-working individuals scrambling while …show more content…

The inefficiencies that confronted Kafka were only one part of an endemically problematic apparatus, the confluence of civil law and administrative bureaucracy. ("The Deconstruction and Reification of Law in Franz Kafka’s 'Before the Law ' and the Trial")
Even more evident than the proletariat 's own actions, or lack of actions, is the bureaucratic helplessness that hinders the lower classes from rising up. High authority 's noncompliance to assist all individuals and create the classless system Marxists strive to implement is responsible for the socioeconomic segregation in both past and modern societies. Kafka, a victim of socioeconomic injustice himself, criticizes the aristocracy through the countryman 's eyes in "Before the

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