Analysis Of Fat Is Not A Fairy Tale By Jane Yolen

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Fat is not a Fairy Tale, written by Jane Yolen, is a lyric poem explaining how fairy tales have not accepted princesses of different sizes.Most don’t think that “fat” is something that people don’t have a problem being or some are even proud of the body that they have. They think that everyone is looking forward to that “ideal” body of being skinny, with a flat stomach, and a tiny waist. Jane Yolen used imagery and a bit of exaggeration throughout the poem. For example, when she referred to the princesses as “anorexic, wasp-waisted; flinging herself down the stairs.” She is using words like anorexic, wasp-waisted,and flinging to help us envision what princesses look like from her point of view. She also explains how she would like to princess

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