Attacking Faulty Reasoning Essays

  • Eastern Cougars, Maybe

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    Eastern Cougars, Maybe (1) Most Field and Stream enthusiasts know that cougars are a fast and agile animal that can live for many years with no real predator other than humans. Another name for the cougar is the well used mountain lion which many Eastern states have named stores, schools, and even sports teams after. The distinction that the Mississippi river stops cougars from traveling into Eastern states can’t be proven because there are many animals in the West that are in the East

  • Fallacious Arguments In the Declaration of Independence

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    Fallacious Arguments in the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is among the most profoundly interpreted and fiercely discussed documents in modern history. Most likely because of its rhetorical style and numerous fallacious arguments that are found. The colonists’ use of persuasion to influence by using repetition to achieve their means. The Declaration of Independence is what 56 colonists saw as a logical course of action. What you must ask yourself is: What was considered

  • Counterarguing Coleman's Allegations that Global Warming is a Scam

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    “Genetic Fallacy” are some of the logical fallacies that can be observed to prevail in Coleman’s argument. As a consequence, the soundness, validity, clarity, reasoning and consistency of the whole article are insubstantial. Coleman’s premises fail to support his proposition that global warming is a scam, making the whole argument distorted and faulty. The first defective premise that Coleman uses to support his claim, is that the scientists are “dastard”, “manipulative” and “wacko”, who are only “eager

  • By Definition Miracles Do Not Occur

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    By Definition Miracles Do Not Occur Even in this modern age, belief in the miraculous is widespread and is a feature of many world religions, including the Christian faith where miracles have played a significant role. It is important attempt to define what a miracle is, as this in itself is a source for debate. Today the term ‘miracle’ in many different ways and the idea is open to many interpretations. A miracle can be defined in a number of ways, firstly as an unexpected change

  • Suicide

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    I'm about to take up a position which is going to be deamed by some, if not all, as a terrible stand to take. As a matter of fact, if anyone were to agree with me on ths subject, I'd be surprsed. For you see, rather than arguing from the postion of suicide being an unjustified and inane way to die, I shall argue the other point. That being suicide does have its merits. Before you people start screaming, hear my case out. Most people argue that nothing justifies the taking of someone's life. Yet

  • Fallacy Summary and Application

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    Abstract An argument is fallacious when it contains one or more logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an argument that contains a mistake in reasoning (2002). When using critical thinking to make decisions, an individual or group needs to be aware of logical fallacies and how they relate to decision-making. Logical fallacies can be used to manipulate a situation and if a person or group does not recognize logical fallacies, the person or group can be manipulated during the decision-making process

  • Logical Fallacies and the Bumper Sticker "Real Christians Don't Judge"

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    While driving behind a vehicle plastered in bumper stickers, the first one to catch someone’s attention may say “Real Christians don’t judge.” Most will not give it a second thought, while others may analyze its message and the individual giving the message. In general this sticker may be found on a variety of vehicles. The vehicle itself is not as important as the individual driving it. While discussing this bumper sticker it will be important to understand where it is found, the fallacies it involves

  • Koslicki's Four-Dimensionalism

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    In his work Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time (2001 as cited in Koslicki, 2003; 107), Sider offers an “argument from vagueness,” which is concerned with the question: “Under what conditions do objects come into and go out of existence,” or “Which arrangements of matter are suitable for objects to come into (and go out of) existence?” (Koslicki, 2003; 112). In his answer which allegedly proves universalism, Sider believes this can be extended to spatiotemporal dimension and

  • Shirley Chisholm's Speech Equal Rights For Women

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    Arguments from Generalization is defined as the following “This approach to arguing involves the assumption that a particular example, story, or piece of data can be generalized to a larger population...Your reasoning is, essentially, that what happened in one case is likely to be true in other similar cases.” (Nelson 2014) Shirley was able to put this within her speech the entire time. Being the speech’s topic was on women’s rights it was mainly to target and

  • A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift: The Morality Of An Ideal Society

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    Historically, human beings have longed for an ideal society that would maintain a sense of well-being and balance. Different types of personalities have shaped this world into finding explanations on how to make this ideal society a reality. Hierarchies throughout the centuries have built up social barriers such as governments, politics, and popular culture to help embody this human progression towards economic perfection and stability. However, through life events and the variety of its restraints

  • The Rhetorical Analysis Of The Lowest Animal, By Mark Twain

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    the London Zoological Gardens. His end result is Charles Darwin’s theory that man evolved from earlier ancestors, but flipped completely upside down. This theory is widely known, but Twain argues a different one. In this essay, he uses affective reasoning and facts from his experiments to back up his claim, all while using Aristotle’s appeals and logical fallacies. Before he goes on claiming, he states three things that he thinks should be said before everything else to make things clear: “1. That

  • Examples Of Fallacies In Animal Farm

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    Logical fallacies are found in everyone’s day to day life. We see them in advertisements, books, television commercials and even throughout conversations with others. In the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, logical fallacies are used as a further insight into the story. Through the duration of the story, we see one of the main characters, Napoleon, obtain power and trust from most of the animals on the farm. Towards the end of the novel, his power and pride corrupt his reputation and relationships

  • Analysis Of Stanley Fish's Essay Getting Coffee Is Hard To Do

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    A coordination problem is when one has a task to perform in a specific sequence. Time is limited and there are multiple shifting components in this task. It is important to perform efficiently to avoid frustration and confusion. One will most likely face a coordination problem when in command of a large business or troops. Comparing buying a coffee to deploying troops, Stanley Fish believes that “these days” people face a coordination problem when buying a cup of coffee. In his article “Getting Coffee

  • Logical Fallacies Examples

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    defined as an argument that is indicated to perceive an individual by being deceptive, misleading, or of false nature ( Some logical fallacies are created intentionally as a delusion or misapprehension that produces an erroneous reasoning that renders arguments logically unsound ( The University of Texas at El Paso defines that there are over fifty logical fallacies. Some view logical fallacies as “wrong and, simply put, dishonest” and will argue that they are unambiguously

  • Why We Should Not Commit Logical Fallacies

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    “Thou shall not Commit Logical Fallacies” Logical fallacies are tricks and illusions of thought. They are often very sneakily used by politicians and the media to fool people into thinking in a specific way. There are a lot of ways that people make terrible and invalid arguments. Making a good argument is about using logic to prove a conclusion based on some given facts. In a valid argument, the conclusion actually does follow from the facts. Unfortunately, this can go wrong in many ways. Facts don

  • Fallacy

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    Fallacy three logical fallacies that are used in this paper are Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, Far-Fetched Hypothesis, and False Dilemma. What is a fallacy? A fallacy is viewed as an error in reasoning. To be more exact, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support. A logical fallacy is an error in logical argument which is independent of the truth of the premises. When there is a fallacy in an argument it is said to be invalid

  • Analysis Of The Film Last Year In Marienbad

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    Postmodern works often incorporate an aspect of randomness; this randomness is sometimes purposeful while other times it comes across as completely haphazard. Randomness is a part of what defines postmodernity, but how big of a factor is it when trying to classify something as a postmodern work? It’s possible that works including randomness are automatically defined as postmodern or that the postmodern genre was in part created in order to classify these random works in a type of miscellaneous category

  • Conscientious Meat

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    Isabella Weich Philosophy 101 MWF 10:00 Analysis of “Is It Possible to Be a Conscientious Meat Eater?” In their article, “Is It Possible to Be a Conscientious Meat Eater?” Sunaura Taylor and Alexander Taylor’s conclusion is that the production and consumption of meat is unethical. Their main arguments for the conclusion are that there is not a sufficient amount of meat to feed everyone in the world and that the concept of equality is based on suffering. In this paper I will analyze these two main

  • Judith Jarvis Thompson's Pro Choice Option: The Issue Of Abortion

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    The subject of abortion is always and will most likely continue to be a subject of controversy and disagreement. Basically we have two sides, one that is pro-life and the other being pro-choice. Judith Jarvis Thompson clearly takes the pro-choice stance and gives unique arguments on the subject of abortion. On the other hand Don Marquis supports the pro-life position on the topic of abortion. While neither will ever agree, both make points that will make you truly think about how you feel as an individual

  • Harvesting Organs

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    Is it wrong to take Baby Teresa's life so she can donate her organs to others in need even though she can only live for a few days? Although some might argue that it is morally wrong to take an innocent person's life, she could be saving many others' lives by donating her organs. I will be defending the Benefits Argument in this paper, and I will argue that transplanting the organs will indeed benefit other children. I will first present a general overview of the Baby Teresa case, and then I will