Analysis Of Ella Khan

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George is a Pakistani Muslim and a traditional father. He lives in England. He left his wife in Pakistan when he moved to England. He is married to a British Roman Catholic lady, with whom he has seven mixed race sons. George is very religious and punctual. He demands his sons to follow his tradition or at least try to fulfil his desires. He wants his sons to be raised in an Islamic way. He also wants his wife and sons to behave like a traditional Pakistani way. He wants them to pursue an Islamic lifestyle and follow the culture. He is the boss in the house. He follows his culture and wants to solidify it.

He is against his son, Abdul, marrying a white woman, since he finds it very hard to handle the contradiction of a Pakistani man marrying …show more content…

He tells the Mullah that he feels ashamed of his oldest son because of what he did. George bans Nasir from the family and is dead for him because he feels that his son has cut off his nose. (In Muslim countries if you run away from marriage or during marriage either you are a Muslim woman or man, then he or she will get banned from the family by telling people that she or she is dead.)

Annie is Ella Khan’s best friend. In the film we see the conservation between Ella and Annie. Ella doubts his mother status and asks Annie whether she is a good mother or not. Annie advises Ella to not be too soft towards his husband. Ella Khan still respects and loves George. She wants to remain a dutiful and an ardent wife. Ella is quite confident about what she has to do in order to fight against her husband and eventually win.

Mr Shah’s wife says that Abdul and Tariq should come over to her house because the house is very small for her daughters. Here is a culture conflict. Normally bride’s parents have some expectations from groom’s parents. Bride’s parents expect bride to have a house and handsome salary. Bride price is also an expectation, but it is not shown in this movie. Traditionally, bride has to leave her home and settle down in groom’s home. Due to small house, Mr Shah requests Ella Khan to let her sons settle down in her house, but Ella does not want

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