Processed Meats Essay

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What is processed meats? Processed meats is defined as the meats that have been undergo fermentation, salting, smoking, curing or other processes to improves its flavour or prolong its shelf-life. Hot dogs, sausages, beef jerky, hams, canned meat, bacons and corned beef are some of the example of processed meats. In ancient time, the methods that used to prolongs the shelf-life of fresh meats are sun-drying and salting. Todays, these methods have been further developed to produce processed meats that are available on the market for sell. It is known that processed meat encompasses a lot of harmful chemicals that are not naturally found on fresh meat. According to World Health Organization (2015), it stated that processed meats is classified …show more content…

This essay will discuss about the relationship between the processes or methods that used to produce processed meat and cancer. The addition of nitrates, nitrites, salt and sugar to the meat is defined as curing of meats. The main purpose of curing meats are to improves its flavour, enhance its appearance and colour, act as a preservation and as well as prevent the growth of microorganism. It is known that, there is a relationship between the processes or methods that used to produce processed meat and cancer. There are some researchers claimed that the nitrates and nitrite compounds inside the processed meat is one of the compounds that causes cancer. The nitrite in the meat break down to formed nitric oxide and then binds to the iron atom that located in the center of myoglobin’s heme group. This is to prevent the meat being oxidise and give the meats have reddish-brown colour when raw and …show more content…

Smoking is the processed of putting the meats to the smoke of a charcoal or wood fire for cooking. The purpose of smoking meats are adding brown colour to it, enhance its flavour and prevent the growth of microorganisms. The chemicals that formed during smoking or cooking the meat using high temperature are heterocyclic amine (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) (Butler 2003). These two chemicals are mutagenic and can cause changes in DNA which lead to cancer. HCA is formed during the reaction between heat and amino acids and creatines (both found in meat). On the other hand, PAH is formed when the juices or fats from the meats dropped into the fire that use for grilled or smoking meats and causes flames. Theses flames that contain PHA will transferred to the surface of the meats by air (Butler 2003). The temperature, type of food, cooking duration and cooking method are the four factors that affects the formation of HCA. The most predominant factor is temperature. As smoking or grilling the meat at high temperature (100°C-300°C) favour the formation of HCA on the meat which cause cancer to human (Turesky 2007). Meats that are low in moisture and fat contents tend to have higher concentration of HCA after cooking. If the surface of the cooing appliance higher than 220°C, for instance grilling and smoking will favours the formation of HCA. In addition, the type of fuel used in heating, temperature of

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