Analysis Of Contemplation By Ross B. Young

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Ross B. Young’s painting “Contemplation is a detailed painting portraying a lone hunter and his trusted companion gazing off into the distance of a natural, beautiful, body of water inhabited by an abundance of wildlife. The painting comes to life with interpretations of reflection and deep thought, power, as well as a strong sense of passion emanating from the hunter himself.
The color focuses on the light emanating from the right side of the painting which is the way the hunter appears to be facing. The dog and the hunter both appear to be looking towards the light, and they are taking in the natural beauty that is happening around them. The way they are both standing in one spot gives off a sense of deep reflection, or contemplation as they gaze over the glistening body of water inhabited by nature. In the background, you can see an abundance of colorful waterfowl swimming. The light reflecting off the water, it is as if the waterfowl are floating above the water. The hunter sees these ducks, but instead of shooting he is clearly just standing and observing the natural beauty. The old style shotgun the hunter is holding indicates his primary goal of his trip was to shot and kill waterfowl, but hunting appears to not be his main concern at …show more content…

Young 's painting "Contemplation" Through the vivid colors we can see the early sunrise, and the wildlife dwelling in the background. We can see contemplation through the eyes of the hunter gazing distantly into the distance, not caring wildlife is present. We can see power represented by the old style gun the hunter is holding, as well as the dead duck in his hand, which can be interpreted as the hunter becoming the predator, or power over nature. Lastly we can see the Hunter 's strong passion for hunting by the path made by the hunter, weeds stomped down, and brushed aside. The painting captured all the interpretations

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