Analysis Of As Y0u Like It

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“ AS Y0U LIKE IT” Intr0ducti0n-‘As y0u like it’ is the play by William Shakespeare. He was a great y0u like is a c0medy play. It is believed that As Y0u Like It was first perf0rmed between 1599 and 1600. In the Elizabethan Era there was a huge demands f0r new entertainment and’ As Y0u Like It’ w0uld have been pr0duced immediately f0ll0wing the c0mpleti0n 0f the play. As Y0u Like It is c0nsidered by many t0 be 0ne 0f Shakespeare's greatest c0medies, and the her0ine, R0salind, is praised as 0ne 0f his m0st inspir characters and has m0re lines than any 0f Shakespeare's …show more content…

When she is banished fr0m the c0urt by her usurping uncle, Duke Frederick , R0salind switches genders and as Ganymede travels with her l0yal c0usin Celia and the jester T0uchst0ne t0 the F0rest 0f Arden, where her father …show more content…

In the play, Shakespeare dem0nstrates 0ver and 0ver again h0w l0ve can make pe0ple d0 s0me beautyfull risky and f00lish things. In particular, the play spends a l0t 0f time critiquing the artificiality 0f "c0urtly" r0mance and reminds us 0f the silliness 0f assuming the clichéd p0se 0f a "Petrarchan l0ver"—s0mething that inv0lves a l0t 0f dramatic sighing, sadness, and frustrati0n 0ver an unattainable girl. As Y0u Like It make it clear that human beings can be pretty ridicul0us, s0, naturally, much 0f the play is spent p0king fun 0f f00lish behavi0r—fr0m 0rland0's silly n0ti0n that l0ve sh0uld l00k like a 14th-century Italian Hallmark card t0 Jaques's melanch0ly and highly clichéd 0utl00k 0n life. T0uchst0ne, the character wh0 d0es m0st 0f the m0cking in the play, just happens t0 be a "licensed f00l." Like Shakespeare's 0ther f00ls, T0uchst0ne's quick wit and insight int0 human nature all0w him t0 p0int 0ut the f0ll0w 0f th0se ar0und him, even as he participate in cl0wning and

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