Analysis Of An Informative Speech

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My informative speech was overall well composed and delivered. Throughout my speech, I was able to use my hand gestures to convey the message that correlated to the words that I was speaking. At times, however, my I spoke too quickly, which caused me to over my words at times. Additionally, I struggled with the pronunciation of a few of the authors names. There were two incidences where my my transitions for one point to another lacked fluidity. Having written the outline and chosen the topic the day before, I had little time to review and go over the different things I would be covering in my speech. As a result, my delivery suffered. If I were to put in more effort into the the outlining, sources, and topic of my speech, the of my speech would come more naturally. Nevertheless, the passion that I had for my topic was visible in my …show more content…

In addition, I properly gave credit to the authors and institutions. However, one of my sources was from the bible. Although to Christians this is a credible source, for an informative, this source may not have been the best form of credibility. My positioning and movement throughout my informative speech could have used improvement. As I was presenting, I would often pace the small area behind the table as opposed to utilizing the space with careful consideration. This could have distracted the audience. In the future, I need to be careful about how I utilize my body throughout a speech. However, my hand gestures were well done and conductive for my delivery. Lastly, my informative speech went a little bit over the time requirement. The speech requirement was 6-8 minutes. I went over 8 minutes by 30 seconds. Because my topic was so broad, it was difficult to confine the material into a short eight minutes. However, if I had practiced the speech more, I would have had fewer stumbles which would have assisted me in giving my informative speech in the time

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