Analysis: Is The Internet A Mob Without Consequences Of Punishment

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In Ancient Greek times, there was a tradition where if a public servant or military official were to do something radical or against the law, they were to be jailed. That was however standard preceding, and still is today, for lawbreakers, however, it was the extra step they took back then is the main difference. Once they were convicted of their crime, a vote would be put up for the entire community to determine whether or not that person would be ostracized. Literal abandonment by society, even threatening to kill you if you returned. This is just one example of why public shame is bad. The others being the fact that public shame prompts people to go far, such as in the article: “Is the Internet a Mob without Consequence?” By Nick Bilton, …show more content…

While at times some people may review the fact that public shame brings justice in the sense of “punishment,” that is assigned to the person. However public shame and its punishments never had a line drawn. Some people go too, bordering on death threats. This is the case in the article: “Is the Internet a Mob without Consequence?”, where Bolton writes: ““Within hours, people threatened to rape, shoot, kill and torture her. The mob found her Facebook and Instagram accounts and began threatening the same perils on photos she had posted of friends and family. Not satisfied, people began threatening her family directly.” (Bilton 1). This quote encapsulates the fact that such a lynch mob goes too far in certain examples. While the tweet was very politically incorrect, for what is probably a sarcastic and had the complete intent to joke was received almost as if Ms. Sacco was a slave owner screaming racial slurs ever sentence. Even if this was meant seriously, which is impossible to determine, threatening the person’s life and even going so far as to threaten her family, none of which are in the slightest bit guilty of writing that tweet, is way too far. The proper …show more content…

A perfect example of people going too far. Furthermore, Hawthorne in his novel about the effects of public shame writes: ““‘At the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynne's forehead. Madame Hester would have winced at that, I warrant me. But she,—the naughty baggage,—little will she care what they put upon the bodice of her gown! Why, look you, she may cover it with a brooch, or such like heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever!’” (Hawthorne 47). This quote may not be as extreme, however, it is just as despicable. Also ironic in a sense, as the people think Hester as a sinner and some woman to go from ma to man, she was in love with Arthur. However, still according to the community she is a sinner and deserving of the scaffold treatment, and the scarlet letter “A” on her chest. These people have a different plan in mind, branding her. Getting a hot iron, and causing extreme pain to Hester, and forever marking her. While she may be a sinner forever, this quite simply is a reaction worthy of being a sin as well, causing not only unnecessary but also an unspeakable pain to another. Funny how people who preach

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