Analysis How Do You Fuck A Fat Woman

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How Do You Fuck a Fat Woman? By Kate Harding

In How Do You Fuck a Fat Woman? By Kate Harding, she talks about the hatred and negativity fat women encounter from society. According to our society, Harding is considered fat and therefore, she cannot be attractive or loved by anyone. She starts off the article with hateful comments left on her friend 's blogs. “You should consider yourself lucky that some man finds a hideous troll like yourself rape-able,” and “You fat whores would be luck to even get raped by someone” (Harding 68). She goes on to explain that in our society, it has always been believed that a woman’s job is to please a man. Without a man, a woman is nothing. To get a man, you need to be attractive. In society’s eyes, being attractive …show more content…

Harding tells the readers about how she thinks George Clooney is attractive, just as many heterosexual women do, however, when it comes to Brad Pitt, she doesn’t find him attractive. This goes to show that everyone has different preferences and who one person may find attractive, another person may not. There is no such thing as someone being attractive in everyone’s eyes, however, that is what we are taught to believe. We are taught to believe that being attractive is “an objective assessment, based on a collection of easily identifiable characteristics” (Harding 73). We are taught to believe being skinny, white, able-bodied, blond, and athletic is attractive. You can’t be too athletic though, or else you’ll be perceived as manly. Women have to follow some sort of formula and only then will they be pretty. It shouldn’t be like that. Everybody is beautiful and the only thing important is that you’re happy in your own skin. Our society relies on looks so much and that needs to change. There is so much more to a person than their

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