Amusing Ourselves To Death By Neil Postman Summary

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Has technology changed the way people learn? Introduction Technology has become such a big part of society today, children pick up tablets and immediately know how to use them, they know how to pull up the games they want to play, the shows they want to watch, or even cameras to take pictures. While technology has immensely improved the way people live, do people realize how much technology has changed their way of thinking? Neil Postman’s “Amusing Ourselves to Death” (1984/2012) and Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” provide some of the effects that technology has on the way people think. When looking at these two essays, there are four clear effects: people seek out information that does not invoke thought, information has to be short, people are often distracted while they absorb information, and information has to be entertaining. Summary Neil Postman, Chairman of the Department of Culture and Communication at NYU, in his article, “Amusing Ourselves to Death,” claims that the world is becoming too focused on being entertained. The news, religion, and education are focused on entertaining people rather than informing them. He claims that anyone who does not appear on television is not popular enough to warrant attention. Because of this, political figures are becoming more like celebrities and try to be the most …show more content…

He states that if someone doesn’t look good on television or entertain the people enough, they will not be able to be a politician. “In the Age of Television, people do not so much agree or disagree with politicians as they like or dislike them, for the image is not susceptible to verification or refutation, only acceptance or rejection” (p 450). It no longer matters what politicians say, it just matters if they can make people like them. If people don’t like the candidate, then they aren’t going to get any

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