Analysis: Children Should Not Participate In Extreme Sports

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According to seven X Game sports, extreme athletes have suffered about four million injuries between 2000 and 2011. Though the thrill of risk taking may be fun, it is very dangerous. Children should not participate in these extreme sports because they are too dangerous.These dangerous sports cause many serious injuries and sometimes death. These risky sports and serious injuries are not fit for children. In the article, “Should Children Do Extreme Sports?”,the author, Lauren Tarshis talks about how skateboarding, BMX bikes, snowboarding, skiing, snowmobiles, surfing, airplane jumps, and mountain climbing are all sports that push the human body to its limits. This means that, a person is expected to do as much as his or her body is capable of. If something goes wrong, injuries, possibly severe, could occur. This problem becomes even worse because younger and younger kids are participating in these sports. For example, in the article, ”Should Kids Do Extreme Sports?”, the author, Lauren Tarshis tells about seventh grader Jett Eaton who fractured his skull, suffered brain trauma, and a concussion while performing a trick on his skateboard. He even had a trainer with him and was wearing safety equipment. This means …show more content…

In the article, “The Science of Thrill-Seeking”, the author, Jennifer Dignan states a willingness for tenneagers to take risks. This happens because the brain increases the desire for new experiences. In other words, a child’s desire to try extreme sports is a desire driven by the brain. But, according to the article, “Should Kids Do Extreme Sports?”,the author, Lauren Tarshis states that psychologist Jesse Matthews says, “Kids tend to think about what is happening this minute, not what is going to happen an hour from now.” This shows that children have a desire to try new and dangerous things, but they do not understand the consequences of their

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