An Explanation Of Pink Think, By Lynn Peril

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Customary standards for gender norms were never simple in the 1940s, they were complex constructions that are formed from the political, social, and economic developments of a given period. With the Cold War presented, the chance for normalcy to return was highly difficult. Although, men had to work and support the family while women stay home to take care of the household- In return, women began to resist the norms of their society and try to achieve the new standard of femininity. Women today have more responsibilities besides just getting married and having kids. This is the altercation of the concept of “Pink Think”, and how it is misguided due to the limitation of women following an imaginary standard. All these concepts are the interpretation of Author Lynn Peril, who calls this mind set “Pink Think.” In today's society, many people have various view points on what proper behavior for a woman is. Some believe women should be able to join the military and join strenuous work forces along side with men without question opposed to others that have the mentality of women “staying in the kitchen” meaning stay home and take care of the kids and support the man by any means. At this moment, women everywhere are off to college and working, some with higher income than men, and they cannot stand the idea of being a stay-at-home mom.
In Lynn Peril's Pink Think: Becoming a Woman in Many Uneasy Lessons, it entered the generation during the 1950s to the 1960s, the era of the Cold War. At the time, the fear of nuclear warfare with Soviet Russia was on everyone's mind, the idea that it could happen at anytime discomforted everyone. The whole Cold War scare became a culture change for America. For preparation, thanks to hyper suburbia, fam...

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...behavior for women and perhaps to masculine. A common misconception about feminism is that women should and only stay home, watch the kids, and support the man. A common phrase would be to “keep the women in the kitchen.” Today, you can find many women getting an education, reaching higher levels beyond college, and working high paying careers and some out producing men, in this case, staying home and becoming a house wife should not be an option. Women today are not only a pretty face. With women having power in our government, control of education and big name corporations. Regardless of gender, no one should follow the influence of something that would promote people to become less than who they are. Hard work and effort would be put to waste if women today allowed themselves to just stay at home instead of doing something with themselves and for the better good.

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