An Essay On Right To Privacy

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By the expression “Right to Privacy” is meant the aptitude of an individual or group to detach them or information about themselves and thereby reveal them selectively. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to live one’s life with minimum degree of interference. In the expanded form it includes a right against interference with one’s private life, family and home life, attack on his/her honour and reputation ; being placed in a flash light , the disclosure of irrelevant and embracing facts relating to his/her private life; spying , prying , watching and be setting and interference with his/her correspondence. The private pursuits of a person which encompasses his right to be free from intrusion or publicity. It means to be out of the …show more content…

Robert Ellis Smith, editor of the Privacy Journal called it ‘‘the desire by each of us for physical space where we can be free from interruption, intrusion, embarrassment, or accountability and the attempt to control the time and manner of disclosure of personal information about ourselves.’’ An American Professor of Law, Alan Westin defined privacy as the aim of individuals to determine for themselves, when, how and to what extent the information about themselves is communicated to others". The Calcutta Committee in the U.K said that, ‘‘nowhere have we found a wholly satisfactory statutory definition on Privacy.” But the committee was satisfied that it would be possible to define it legally and adopted this definition in its first report on privacy: ‘‘The right of the individual to be protected against intrusion into his personal life or affairs, or those of his family, by direct physical means or by publication of information.” 2.2: Origin of the Concept of Right to Privacy Privacy has roots deep in history. Ancient Indian law-givers declared “Sarve sve sve grihe raja” (Every man is a king in his own

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