An Analysis Of St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves

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In Karen Russell’s short story St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen uses evidence to show whether or not Claudette has conformed to humanity. In Karen’s evidence, one can conclude that Claudette has successfully adapted to humanity. To begin, it is clear that Claudette is facing some struggles as she transitions from her lycanthropic culture to humanity. First of all, Claudette finds it hard to “be civilized and ladylike, couth and kempt” as she says, “We tore through the austere rooms, overturning dresser drawers, pawing through the neat piles of the Stage 3 girls’ starched underwear, smashing lightbulbs with our bare fists.” This shows that Claudette is having a hard time acting like humans when she has been raised like a wolf …show more content…

In addition, Claudette is constantly reminding herself of the drills and instructions in which she is to follow to become human. This implies that as Claudette is trying to eradicate from her wolf ways and behave, she has to remind herself of the human rules and qualities in which she is supposed to have and follow because she still has that wolf in her that is constantly trying to show itself. This shows that Claudette is struggling with these issues in the early part of the story. While Claudette has struggles trying to adapt to human culture, she also has some accomplishments through her struggles. First, the author tells readers that Claudette “had an ear for languages” This shows readers that Claudette is developing human skills. This implies that Claudette is succeeding in this new human world as she is developing these human qualities and adapting to humanity. Next, Claudette shows another accomplishment as she can read at a fifth grade level. This is an accomplishment for Claudette as she tries to reach her goal of adapting to humanity because she has developed another human quality in which wolves do not possess. Again, Claudette displays yet another accomplishment as she “graduated

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