An Analysis Of Banksy's The Flower Thrower

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“Flowers not bombs”
Activism comes in all shapes and sizes, and when someone does it in an unusual way it cannot go unnoticed. Banksy’s “The Flower Thrower” is a perfect example of this due to the fact that it’s vandalism with a deeper meaning. The man known as Banksy is a graffiti artist and a political activist, and the most intriguing thing about him is that he chooses to remain anonymous. There are many theories about his identity, one even claiming that he is a fictional character. Despite proof of his identity, several countries are on the look out for him. Many have even issued warrants for his arrest because his public works are considered vandalism. His paintings are known for making people question their everyday lives and really …show more content…

Some of his most famous works are those of rats, which can be found all over the world. A Banksy piece that has really struck me is known as “The Flower Thrower” or “Flower Bomber”. This very large painting was created in 2005 and can be found on the side of a garage in Jerusalem. The picture consists of a man in dark clothing wearing a backwards hat, and a bandana tied around his face. He is standing in a position that is commonly portrayed when someone is throwing a Molotov cocktail. However, in his hand he holds a beautiful bouquet in replacement for the deadly weapon. The bouquet is vibrant which contrasts with the rest of the piece that is only in black and white. There are many aspects to the painting like its location, use of color, and medium that all tie in to prove one point. “The Flower Thrower” is simple in its approach to display …show more content…

In 2005 there was a gay pride parade in Jerusalem, which was attacked by protesters. During this hate crime these protesters stabbed three parade goers and injured many more. Many people believe that this was Banksy’s response to the event, especially because Banksy is known for being a pacifist. Since the bouquet is the only piece of the painting in color it can be seen as symbolic of the gay pride flag. In addition to being located near the hate crime, the area in general has a strong military presence so clearly Banksy had his audience in mind. He is making a statement in all of his pieces of art as a political activist to stop the hate around the world,

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