Amistad Movie Analysis

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The film Amistad begins with a group of Africans, captured from a Havana slave market, on a ship named Amistad. The movie provides a reinactment of the slave journey between Africa and the United States of America. The Amistad was written by David Franzoni and was published in 1977. David Franzoni is well know for his film King Author. The constraints of the movie is the beginning . The extreme graphics that are shown will cause a person with a weak stomach to maybe turn away from watching the complete movie. The middle passage was a long and heart touching journey that the Africans travelled. The main reason for the movie is to manifest the capturing and freeing of the slaves in the 1800s.
In the beginning of the film, Cinque finds a way to unrestrain himself from shackles as well as other captured passengers that were with him. The slaves begin to attack the spanish crew leaders on the ship reprieving the two that bought them . The two men who bought them promised to return them back to Africa althogh they tricked the slaves and guided the ship to the United States of America. On the voyage the slaves were in horrendous conditions and were fed scraps among specific people. Not everyone was alllowed to eat. The Africans found themselves in a Northern court room. John Quincy Adams, Joadson, and Tappan defended them in the case. Former president John Quincy Adams talks to Cinque about his voyage trying to figure out where exactly did the Africans come from so that they may prceed with the case. It is hard for them to communicate because they are speaking two completely different languages. In the middle of the movie James covey is intoduce. James Covey is then used as in interpreter for the communication of Cinque and the engli...

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... effect of the Amistad voyage. The movie Amistad appears to be based soley on the trial of the slaves and the federal district courts. There are a lot of valuable information that is left out of the movie.
Spielberg did a wonderful job with this movie. For people who expects to receive straight facts when watching historical films, this would not be the best type of movie to watch to gain knowledge from. As for one who watches as an entertainment, this movie is one that will attain your attention. Although the movie is inaccurate, with information, it has a well put together story line and is not overwhelming when the court scenes are taking place. The role of Cinque does present a possible experience of the slaves that were captured in Havana and brought to the United States of America. This movie overall had it's pros and cons, in which pros outweighed the cons.

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