America's Broken Education System

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In america today, colleges are getting harder and harder to get into because of the many holes and problems with america’s broken education system. The first problem with the colleges today in america include all of the student loans and debt that the students have to pay off, but most cannot afford it, which leads into the issue of how college should be free. Many teachers are also underpaid which puts another gap into the education system that can be easily repaired, but one of the bigger issues revolves around the core knowledge standard.

College in the 1950’s was at average to a university 1000 a year plus an extra 50 dollars for books. College today is an average of $32,405 which has become almost unaffordable for the majority of americans. …show more content…

Teachers should be one of the most high paying job occupations available for providing the future generations with the tools they need to succeed. In Canada, teachers are paid at an average of $99,300, which is a main reason why Canada is no. 4 on the world education ranking system. The average teacher's salary in the United States is $56,000 which does not give teachers in this country a very good incentive to work. Some people think that “If you are a teacher, you are not doing it for the money”, Well if I had the salary enough to afford to pay off my student loans, own a nice house and drive a nice car, I would appreciate my job a little more, giving me more incentive to work harder. This can also lead into the topic of Core knowledge, the curriculum that nobody wants to learn or …show more content…

Core knowledge curriculum is in my opinion, and many people’s opinion considered a “failure” due to the lack of fundamentals that the system creates. This system removed any classes that they did not deem fit to the basics of education such as we are only allowed to take spanish and art and online classes as extras to the basics. The united states is ranked number 17 on the education standard because of common core. Common core makes students take tests about every 1-2 weeks not including quarterly tests, mid term tests, final tests and then the SAT and ACT which determines your outcome in life. Many countries today such as Finland do not take standardized

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