American Witch Hunt Research Paper

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Are women in fact witches From the beginning of time women were seen as less of man, from biblical reference man was created first and to satisfy his needs came the creation of a woman. During the late 15th -17th century many European countries faced many difficulties caused by natural disasters, which were unexplainable for that time period. The rise of death caused by plagues, led to a decrease of population. On top of that the serious religious beliefs of men created a misogynistic view of women. The factors that led to the European witch hunt are the blame of women for natural disasters, Religious views of women, and the status of women during the 15th to 17th centuries. Throughout Europe, many unexplainable events like the Black Plague caused many destructions and droughts which affected the population and status of living. Most men and religious leaders blamed women, who were thought to be witches of these natural disasters. One way in which women were blamed for destruction was if their village was suffering. According to an executor named Karl Pfefferkorn, from Germany, a woman confessed that she is a witch upon her execution. When listing her characteristics he states on how she had caused all the animals …show more content…

Martin Luther, who is the leader of the Lutheran church uses derogatory words to support the idea that women who are not of a Lutheran faith worship or sell their souls to the devil. Knowing Martin Luther, and his previous remarks about women having the same spiritual strength as men it's shocking to discover what he has said during the witch hunt. These two ideas contradict his belief about women. Also, as a huge figure this statement fueled and influenced all his followers thought about the witch hunt. As a strict Lutheran man he is not afraid and has no doubt accusing women of the works of the

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