American Imperialism In The 1500's

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The way of Imperialism took place in the 1500s took over the Americas. About three hundred years later, the new Imperialism was initiated when European power decided to colonize India and Africa and put economic pressure on China and Japan. Imperialism is when the stronger nation took over the weaker nations. This mean the motherland will conquer the weaker country and make it into a colony. Colonies were used for natural resources and new markets. The British were able to conquer others due to their technology more advanced than China Africa and India. England needed to keep their factories busy imperialism represented an expression of nationalism social Darwinism started making people feel superior than others.

When the British wanted to take over the East India, they had to take control of the Indian …show more content…

Then the Opium war took place, this is when the British started selling Opium tea which was bad because Opium was a type of drug. Then the Chinese tried to stop the trade, so the British declared the war which the won. This forced the Chinese to sell Opium and to open treaty ports which gave new privileges to the British. Later on, China was divided into different economic influences due to the “spheres of influence”. Afterwards, the Taiping Rebellion start which was major revolts against Manchu Ruler which were put down with European help. Millions of Chinese died during the uprising. Then the Sino-Japanese War started when the Japanese went to war with the weakened China and defeated them. Then annexed Korea and create its own Sphere of Influence in China. The United States wanted some of the profitable trade. So they made the open door policy which was equal trading rights with China and with other nations. The Chinese formed a group known as “Boxers” which rebelled against western influence in

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