American Dream Immigrants

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The American American Dream The American Dream is having a nice home, not having money problems, and having your family all together. This is a typical American Dream for some americans but it differs from different cultures.This is also true for different races too but they all have at least one thing in common for there American Dream of life. For different sexualities it might be majorly different then the other ones they might want something they can only get from other people and not buy from them. For men and women separately they might want to be able to have the freedom to do different things. Immigrants probably had a American Dream for a better life and their family together. The American Dream for the each of the Younger family …show more content…

They could also want to expand their culture. Different cultures probably mainly just want other people or other cultures to understand them. Another difference is they want there cultures to continue its traditions and travel. For different races it could be acceptance. Different races could just want to be accepted by the other races.Races of all kinds could just want the same respect given to other races. Really just to be seen as other races are seen and not to be seen as any different because of what race they are. Different kinds of races all have different American Dreams which could be to figure why out how do they fit in with other races. Mainly races just dream of a better future where it can be peace among races. For different sexualities, they may just really want to be accepted and treated the same for different kinds of of sexualities. They’re dreams could be be to feel peace and feel comfortable about how they are. Something similar could be to just feel normal. Some sexualities could have problems about how they are feeling about themselves. Some sexualities could just want a world where there is no dislike because of your

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