American Standard English: The Study Of Standard English

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America is a melting pot which accounts for people of all different cultures and backgrounds. Although America has yet to declare an official language, our official language recognized all around the world is Standard English. As with many languages around the world, American Standard English branches off into several dialects be it Southern, Midwestern, or New England, which are separated by region. American Linguist William Labov published his work The Study of Nonstandard English in 1969. Labov argues that it is imperative that educators contextualize non-standard English using standard English, and that Standard English and Nonstandard English are more closely related than many instructors have come to believe. Bidialectism allows Nonstandard …show more content…

These rules allow linguists to properly assess the efficiency of English speakers. Labov make sure to take into account the “full knowledge that people do indeed make violations, and that one can interpret such violations,”(25). These rules are as follows: categorical, semi-categorical, and variable. These rules allow linguists to properly assess the efficiency of English speakers. Categorical rules are rules that are never broken by native English speakers. Semicatagorical are intra-systematic and violations are more frequent than categorical. Variable rules are sociological and unreportable. These rules are used regardless of what dialect speakers are using. This creates a common ground between Standard English speakers, those who have learned English as a second language, and AAVE speakers. Each dialect its own rules which are similar to the Standard English template they are based on, but are also varying in the manner they are applied in specific situations. Labov describes several instances where AAVE violates the type II (Semicatagorical) behavioral rule. For example, AAVE calls for “be” in place of “am, are, and is”. This can create much confusion between student and teacher. Dialect literature can help students better understand the Standard English translations of AAVE. This a variation of teaching that resembles teaching English as a second language. The biggest difference …show more content…

It is important that educators aim to meet the standards before seeking to exceed them. Children should not be made to feel lesser than or be challenged unnecessarily because of their backgrounds. One cannot learn with the initiative to learn and with this unconventional method of teaching AAVE speaking children can get excited about language. Bidialectism is step in the right direction for ensuring American children have better, more equal education across the

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