Compare The Education System In Vietnam

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There are many students from Vietnam who want to study in the United States because they think America has a better education system than Vietnam. After they graduate from colleges or universities, they can have opportunities to find the high salary jobs. Because I study at two this country so I think there are some reasons to explain America’s education system is different from Vietnam. First of all, in Vietnam, there are kindergartens at age three to age five, but in the America, children are taken care of by their parents. In addition, elementary student have to spend less one-year in Vietnam than in the U.S. Then, after graduate from high school, student can choose technical school, going to work or universities in Vietnam, so they do not need to study if they do not have enough money. Colleges and universities in Vietnam and America are different. In Vietnam, students have to study for three years and get associate degrees but they just need two years in the United States. Second difference between Vietnam and America is tuition. In the U.S., students do not need to pay tuition from elementary to high school. Then, in the college students are not able to pay tuition if they …show more content…

For example, students have to be quite when the teacher comes to class. In class, student will be have a little of afraid of showing their opinion when teacher has questions. There are less extracurricular activities, and it occurs one time per year. After school, students have extracurricular classes for study more special thing than in class. In the contrast to Vietnam, American will be more confident because they do not need to go to extracurricular class. Furthermore, students are more active in class because they have free to raise ideas and give their opinions. Another thing is they have a large of extracurricular activities, so they can image the way to solve some difficult things easily than Vietnamese in

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