Ambu Bag Summary

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II. Objective
A. Physical Assessment Findings
1) Current Oxygen Device- The patient was intubated and was being mechanically ventilated and oxygenated via cuffed Endo-tracheal tube of size 4.0 mm as the patient weighed 10.5 kg (appropriate for the weight), which was secured on the left side at 13.0 cm at the gum (12 cm at the lips) (3 × 4 (ETT size) = 12 cm) with set FiO2 of 40% and PEEP of 5 cmH2O. A self-inflating Ambu bag and a mask were present at the bedside.
2) Ventilator Settings-
a) Mode- VC-SIMV/PS (Volume Control- Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation/Pressure Support)
b) Set Parameters- FiO2 40%; Tidal Volume 70 ml; Peak Flow Auto-flow; RR 30/min; PEEP 5 cmH2O; Pressure Support 10 cmH2O; Minute Ventilation 2.1 L/min; Slope …show more content…

c) Measured Parameters- PIP 33 cmH2O; RRtotal 30/min; RRspon 0 s; I:E Ratio 1:2; MAP 11 cmH2O; PEEP 5 cmH2O; Tidal Volume Exhaled 61 mL; Spontaneous Tidal Volume 0 mL; Exhaled Minute Ventilation 1.81 L/min; Spontaneous MV 0 L/min; I-time 0.5 sec; E-time 2 sec; Humidifier’s Temperature 37.1°C
d) Alarms- High pressure 45 cmH2O; High MV alarm 5 L/min; Low MV alarm 0.5 L/min; High RR 70 s; Low RR 20 s; Apnea 20 seconds; High tidal volume 120 …show more content…

8) Sputum:
a) Consistency: Thick
b) Amount: Large
c) Color: Cloudy
9) Previous Lab data
a) CBC
i. White Blood Cells- 11.59 10*3/µL ii. Red Blood Cells- 3.26 10*6/µL iii. Hemoglobin- 11.5 g/dL iv. Hematocrit- 31%
v. Platelets- 323 10*3/µL vi. Electrolytes- Sodium 137 mmol/L, potassium 4.3 mmol/L, chloride 100 mmol/L, BUN 13 mg/dL, creatinine 0.8 mg/dL, calcium 9 mg/dL.
b) ABG-
i. pH- 7.34 ii. PCO2- 56 iii. HCO3- 27 iv. PO2- 81
v. SaO2- 95%
c) Micro-
i. Rhinovirus- Positive
10) Previous Chest X-Ray-
a) The reason for chest X-ray was to evaluate the patient’s respiratory distress.
b) An anterioposterior technique was used for the chest X-ray.
c) Airway, trachea was in the middle, tip of the endotracheal tube ends at 2.2 cm above the carina in between the second and third thoracic vertebrae; Bones, there were no broken bones; Cardiac silhouette, normal; Diaphragm, right hemi-diaphragm was higher than the left with sharp costophrenic angles; Effusion, no pleural effusion or pneumothorax; Fields, subsegmental atelectasis noted in the left upper lobe, right upper lobe and right middle lobe; Endotracheal tube (ETT), and Nasogastric tube (NG) were seen on the

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