Titrating Vinegar Essay

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This lab contains two different procedures to titrating vinegar. One procedure uses phenolphthalein while the other uses a pH meter. Bothe procedures can be found on “An Analysis of a Household Acid: Titrating Vinegar” by the Department of Chemistry at APSU. The first procedure requires one 10mL volumetric pipette, one 50mL buret, two small beakers, one labeled “vinegar” and the other labeled “NaOH”, three 250mL Erlenmeyer flasks, labeled one, two and three, and one large beaker for waste collection. Collect 50mL of vinegar in the beaker labeled “vinegar” and record the brand and listed concentration of vinegar. Then collect about 60mL of NaOH in the beaker labeled “NaOH” and record its concentration. Next, making sure that the stopcock of the buret is closed, use a buret funnel to add 5-10mL of NaOH to the buret to rinse it. Drain all of the NaOH into the waste beaker by opening the stopcock. Rinse the buret in the same manner two more times. After the rinses, close the stopcock and fill the buret up to the 0.00mL line with NaOH. Quickly, open the stopcock to fill the tip of the buret and then close the stopcock. Record the initial volume of the NaOH to the nearest 0.01mL. Moving on to the volumetric pipette, use a pipette bulb to draw some vinegar into the pipette and rinse it. Drain the vinegar …show more content…

Repeat for each trial. Rinse volumetric pipette with vinegar and drain into the waste beaker. Weigh and record the mass of each 200mL beaker. Add 10.00mL of vinegar into each beaker and weigh them and record their again. Add 50mL of de-ionized water to the beakers and place them under the drop counter on top of a stir plate, submerging the pH meter into the solution. Place the stir bar into the beaker and carefully turn on the stir plate so that the stir bar spins without splashing or hitting the sides of the beaker or the pH

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