alternative energy

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One day in the future of America alternative energies can be used as the leading source of all fuels. They are a different way for Americans to become more environmentally friendly while using it as an alternative way of energy to power our everyday objects. Three types of alternative energies that show the most promise for people are solar power, biomass, and hydro power. Research has shown that solar energy will be the most promising out of the three types to power a car, or everyday objects.
The first alternative energy is solar energy. Solar energy is when sunlight is converted into energy which can then be used to power anything from cars to everyday house hold item (What Is Solar Energy, Web). The first ever solar powered car was manufactured in the late 1970’s when Ed Passerini decided to attach solar panels on the top of a car and use them to power the car (How Can a Solar Panel Power a Car, Web). The use of solar power started all the way back in 1876 when using photovoltaic cells to convert the sun’s rays into energy was discovered (Car Buying 101, Web).

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