Alma 36: The Book Of Mormon

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Alma 36 is one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon because of the personal meaning it has in my life. It is a great story filled with lessons, and if you look you can even find a chiasmus. After returning from his mission to the Zoramites Alma calls all of his sons together and spoke with them one by one giving them council and commandments in what could be looked at as a missionary exit interview. Chapter 36 is part of that “Missionary exit interview” with his oldest son, Heleman. As Alma gives his counsel to Heleman you can feel the tender love of a father for his son. Possible knowing that his son is to become the future prophet Alma pleads with his son to “give ear” to his teachings. Alma then begins to give his prophetic council to his son in an unforgettable way, using a broken chiasmus contained in verses 1-4 and 26-30 to insure that his son will remember his teachings. Alma also uses an effective teaching method that can be applied to our everyday life. While teaching his son Alma tells his son (1-4) he then expounds using stories or rather using his story (5-25) finally he testifies of what he has taught (26-30). Using his teaching method Alma teaches his son principles and doctrines that he knows are essential to help his son become a good man, …show more content…

In verse 2 and 28 Alma teaches and testifies that it is important for Heleman to remember his forefathers. He also gave a reason as to why remembering was so important in his story, It was remembering the words of his father that brought him to Christ and helped to pull him out of that awful state of pain and torment. Alma understood then the importance of learning from our ancestors, whether it be our fathers our great grandfathers. Although Alma never made this the focus of his teaching in our day this has become an important focus of the

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