Chapter 37: The Story Of Joseph's Home

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The story of Genesis chapter 37 is about the internal conflict within Israel's family. Joseph is Israel’s favorite son out of the all of his sons because Joseph’s mother Rachel is the woman Israel truly loved. At a very young age all of his other brothers realized that they were not favored by their father, and had grown jealous toward Joseph. In addition, Joseph is unaware of the situation and so he told all of his dreams about his being more superior to them. As a result, jealousy nurtured the sin and evil within Joseph’s brothers to commit the crime of attempting to murder him. The story of Joseph reflects the nature of being human; everyone has an inner good and bad side to them. Depending on certain situations even a good man can sin. For Joseph’s brothers knowing they will never be the favored one by their own father brings out the evil within them. However, I can also see that some of the blame for Joseph’s misfortune is also put on himself. Joseph was not humble and wise with his words because he was spoiled by his father. So in my opinion, to state that ones is better than all is like asking the world to be your enemies. …show more content…

When I first arrived in NYC I was still very young and had little knowledge about the environment, and what it takes to fit in. Given the opportunity to go to school here, I tried very hard to stay on top of what I did. Living in the Bronx and going to school in the Bronx did not help me either. I founded that it was a very harsh world, when I got bullied for being favored by my teachers. To this day I am still unsure if it was because of jealousy or if it was because of seeing your enemy in pain. Part of it was my fault for displaying my superiority by completing exams too fast, or simply because my teachers showed favorable signs toward me. Just like Joseph in the biblical story, he was favored and as a result others hated him for

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