Allusion In Macbeth

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In Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses allusion and metaphor to characterize Macbeth as fearful of betrayal. Macbeth is thinking of Banquo’s character and how he would act and draws a comparison between what he suspects Banquo’s behaviors will be and a historical event, “My genius is rebuked, as it is said/ Mark Antony’s was by Caesar.” (III, i, ln. 61-62). Shakespeare makes an allusion to Caesar and Mark Antony. The allusion shows Macbeth’s comparison of Mark Antony’s relationship with Caesar to Banquo’s relationship with him. The allusion characterizes Macbeth’s fear of betrayal because Mark Antony was the man who interfered with Caesar’s ability to rule. The allusion shows how Macbeth fears a similar scenario occurring where Banquo will interfere

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