All Summer In A Day Symbolism

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Coco Chanel once stated “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” The author of the story “All Summer In A Day ”, Ray Bradbury intentionally uses the symbols of the rain, the sun and the closet to demonstrate Margot’s struggle with socializing with the children and standing up for herself. He introduces a character that needs guidance on speaking up for herself and needs to own up to the things she says and she needs to believe in herself. The character and her family just moved to the planet venus from earth. On the first page all the at the bottom of the first column or the fifth paragraph it stated “Margot stood apart from them, from these children who could ever remember a time when there wasn’t rain and rain and rain.” Symbols are very powerful. They can describe something in depth in a sentence and sometimes in one or two …show more content…

The author of the story “All Summer In A Day ”, Ray Bradbury intentionally uses the symbols of the rain, the sun and the closet to demonstrate Margot’s struggle with socializing with the children and standing up for herself. There are three symbols that were used and the all represent different things. The rain was representing sorrow of the whole population on venus and of Margot too. The sun was delineating the happiness and the opening of Margot’s personality. The closet was one of the deepest symbols in this short story. It’s rather complex, since it show so much feeling in very little words. Its representing Margot’s personality being locked away in a box. Walter Anderson quotes “Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.” Isn’t this the character of

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