The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction

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The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction

Aim: The aim of this investigation is to find out the effect of

temperature on rate of reaction I am going to investigate the changes

caused to the solution of hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate

when the temperature is changed.

Background Information: The rate of reaction varies greatly. Some

chemical reactions, such as explosions, happen very quickly while

others like rusting occur very slowly. The rate of reaction can be

effected by a number of factors: temperature, concentration and

pressuring adding a catalyst, surface area, particle size and light.

The one I am going to be investigating is temperature.

Reaction mixtures contains particles that have different amounts of

energy whilst others are of relatively low or medium energy

distribution curve: Distribution curve shows that most of the

particles have energy value. The EA is the activation energy and the

shaded areas indicates the number of particles that have energy

greater than the activation is the minimum amount of energy needed for

a reaction to occur.

Prediction: my prediction is that if you increase the temperature of a

particular reaction you increase the speed at which it takes place

this is simply because the particles carry more energy and collide

more often where these collisions contain enough energy to break the

energy barrier. (so this means the higher the temperature the faster

the reaction).


Ÿ Sodium thiosulphate solution

Ÿ Hydrochloric acid

Ÿ 250 cm Conical flask

Ÿ Thermometer

Ÿ Measuring cylinder

Ÿ Heat proof mat

Ÿ Bunsen burner

Ÿ Tripod

Ÿ Stop clock

Ÿ Wire gauze

Ÿ White card with cross

Safety Precautions:

Throughout this experiment, I made sure that safety was one of my top

priorities. I wore goggles at all times to protect my eyes I used a

heatproof mat and tripod when using the Bunsen burner and took extreme

caution when turning it on and off.

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