Alien And Sedition Act Essay

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John Adams Wanted to sign a law into the government that was called the Alien and Sedition Acts. These acts gave the government the right to jail people for speaking against the government, or talking negatively about the United States. Along with being an immigrant from a country that supported terrorism. So if you were an immigrant who came from a terrorist approving county, the government will have the right to jail you even if you did nothing to harm or disobey the country’s laws and rights.This can only happen if the Alien and Sedition Acts were approved. This question is asking if accepting this will affect our way of living, and or the rights we gained through the constitution, so would it be helping the constitution or go against
So if I were an immigrant that has come from a country that supported terrorism, then the Alien and Sedition acts gave the right for me to be jailed because of where I came from, even though I did nothing wrong. “ No person shall be deprived of liberty without due process law.” Meaning no one can be jailed without a lawyer, public trial, or a jury but with the acts they can jail you or send you off back to your country. This gives another reason to why these acts go against our constitution and the people's rights. Since the Congress cannot make laws reducing the “ freedom of speech or of the press” these acts don't take away the rights they just limit them a lot. “Provided that the expiration of the act shall not prevent or defeat a prosecution and punishment of any offense against the law, during the time it shall be in force.” Even though the laws expired or became out of date you could be jailed if you didn't follow the rule anyway. This rebuttal is a pretty big eye opener for both sides argument, it shows that it's not taking the right away, but it's limiting it so much that it might as well not be a law. These are some reasons, facts, and proven points to help you choose the side of The Alien and Sedition Acts going against the Constitution. You should also agree with my perspective because I could point out some things that go against the acts in my

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