Alcoholism In Nursing Essay

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Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant causing dependence and can become a chronic disorder for the patient. This addiction is influenced by a variety of psychosocial, genetic, and environmental factors (Swift). Alcohol abuse usually follows a predictable course, has recognizable symptoms, and lasts a person's lifetime. Numerous serious health problems are a consequence of alcoholism.

Some signs and symptoms of alcoholism are failure to fulfill major work, school, or home responsibilities and drinking in situations that are physically dangerous, such as while driving a car or operating machinery. People who abuse alcohol often have legal or financial troubles, drink more or longer than planned, have the inability to cut down or stop …show more content…

The initial screening process is important because patients often try to cover up their dependency issues or may be in denial about their drinking problem. After a thorough examination and history taking, the nurse provides three important steps to treating the alcoholic: intervention, detoxification, and rehabilitation. During the initial patient assessment, the nurse will document numerous symptoms such as autonomic hyperactivity (sweating or a fast pulse), increased hand tremor, insomnia, nausea or vomiting, hallucinations or illusions, agitation, anxiety, grand mal seizures, tactile disturbances, auditory disturbances, visual disturbances, headache or fullness in the head. Lab work is usually ordered to check for liver and other body functions. The nurse will maintain physiological stability during the acute withdrawal phase from alcohol and will promote patient safety. Appropriate referral, follow-up, and patient support, as well as information about condition/prognosis and treatment will be provided to the patient. Since co-existing or underlying disorders are common, some individuals may be suffering from other underlying psychiatric conditions and have been using alcohol as a form of self-medication. If this is the case, proper diagnosis of any co-existing psychiatric conditions (depression, bi-polar disorder etc.) will be made. Because alcoholism

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