Alcohol Kills Persuasive Speech

599 Words2 Pages

Whiskey, gin, beer, look at them over there calling out names, I know these teanagers are trying so hard not to drink but why what's stopping them only good things can come out of this situation: dancing, doing crazy things, falling over, cracking jokes, getting loud what better can we ask for. They should go ahead and listen to their friends, they should take a drink it won’t kill them. They need to just ignore the fact that they have to drive home and that they'll get blurred vision, one drink won't hurt. In fact it will be easier to drive home while drinking. That way they will be able to drive, drink, and still have time to get their friends home and make it home in time for curfew. They can't hurt anyone, they have driven home while drinking plenty of time before. It's cool to drive and drink and lose control of the wheel. I bet they wish someone was there so they could hit them. Maybe a child around 4 or 5 that would be amazing. Seeing their blood all over the car. They won't be wrong because the child didn't listen to their mother when she …show more content…

Jackpot, now they will have the life experience of killing everyone in the vehicle and including themselves. Mothers crying over their child dying is just for show, she actually happy. Now she won't have to clean up after them, wash their clothes, or even cook for them. Let's not forget that now she won't have to deal with all of their friends coming over to eat all of her food and taking up space, because they are all dead with them. Or even better they love to think about going into the ground six feet and their mother putting dirt on top of them, it would be just like old times, when she played hide and seek with them except this time she knows where they are and knows that they won't be coming back. They should go ahead and take that drink so they can wash their mother's worries way, all she do is cry and that always funny

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