Alcohol And Drug Use In Music Festivals

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Despite this, the music festivals are another place where both of alcohol and drug is present. Every year, many deaths are reported at the music festivals and after the festivals, due to misuse of alcohol and drugs, and binge drinking that leads to car accidents. To start with, Jenkinson, Bowring, Dietze, Hellard and Lim (2014) stated that alcohol drinking and drug usage are reported to be increasing, largely in their study of Australian millennials at music festivals. To study Australian millennials, they analysed 1365 surveys received from the millennials. Surprisingly, females have responded to the surveys more than males. The survey illustrated that 94% have drunk alcohol prior to the question, consisted of 58% having premixed spirits, …show more content…

Though, it can be argued that Molly is a pure form of ecstasy; moreover, this well-known drugs’ street name is MDMA (Cornerstone recovery centre, n.d.). Drug ‘Molly’ is newly introduced additional substance to the music festivals, becoming a centre of the attention of festival goers at music festivals. What’s more, Molly contains speed, hallucinogens, chemicals that can be found in bath salts. Though, rather than taking Molly itself, drug users are taking a combination of drugs which is likely to produce unknown dangerous side effects that may put them into life-threatening position. This can happen to the attendees who are sometimes exposed to hot environments and under the influence of drugs and alcohols. Furthermore, the linked risks of this can be shown through their body being overheated while dancing and rapid increase of dehydration. As a result, it is possible to make individuals unable to control their body temperature and could affect them to having heart failure and dehydration, leading to death. Due to the usage of drugs like Molly, there has been an increase of visiting emergency room and death of young concert-goers (Oliver,

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