Alan Keyes' Political Philosophies

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Alan Keyes' Political Philosophies Following the Civil War the majority of African-Americans supported the Republican Party. A Republican controlled executive and legislative branch of the Federal government worked to preserve the Union and end slavery. Republican support pushed the Thirteenth Amendment through Congress and approval by the states allowing for true freedom for black Americans. This freedom provided free expression for black Americans in politics and the ability to choose for themselves what to believe. African-Americans felt a sense of dedication to the Republican Party for all they had done for them. In the 1930's the Great Depression was sweeping the nation leaving twenty-five percent of the population unemployed and many more than that struggling to find enough money to feed themselves and their families. Hit hardest by the Great Depression were the minority groups including black Americans. Many Americans blamed the Republican Party for the economic state of the Union due to a lack of effort by the executive branch, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover in particular. With the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 the nation saw the dawning of a new era. Roosevelt began his New Deal programs to help Americans get through the economic turmoil of the Great Depression. Social security and welfare programs, along with the creation of new jobs made Roosevelt very popular among the lower class, which at that time was where most African-Americans found themselves. Since that time the majority of black Americans have been aligned with the Democratic Party. There have been, however, some minorities of this minority; black Americans who sympathize with the conservative ideals of the Republican P... ... middle of paper ... ...asy road. They offered us a hard-won vision of the future of America. It was not a vision of licentious freedom and stupid self-indulgence. Instead, it was a vision of freedom based upon the fear of God and the respect for law. His focus on freedom and restoring this nation to a God fearing instead of a God hiding society is a welcome and long awaited philosophical ideology. The kind of unbending and relentless moral fortitude found in Alan Keyes is an important ingredient to a creating a country where each and every life is valued and no opinions, political, religious or otherwise, are drowned out by the majority. Setting his sights on a more successful, more civil, and freer society, Alan Keyes stresses that it is not the opinion of an individual person in an individual situation that determines moral value, but instead, "it's the principle that counts."

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