Alan Greenblatt What Is The Age Of Adulthood

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It is ironic that how some children are able to present themselves more mature than adults. The youth of the generation is becoming more mature and are developing adult skills faster than ever. People are beginning to wonder about the age of adulthood and how it should be determined. This controversy beleaguers around privileges such as drinking, driving, and voting. According to the article What is the Age of Responsibility by Alan Greenblatt, society determines that a person is an adult through customary rites, legal rights, and one’s responsibilities. However, I believe that the best way to adulthood is shown through one’s obligation for their priorities and work. One way that Greenblatt considers a person to be an adult is by the means of rites, or customary practices that alter depending what point in time it is about. Adulthood traditions like having a family, having a job, or fighting in war is crucial …show more content…

Some examples that shows that one is responsible is when they have a job, a companionship, and are financially stable. Establishing connections within the world is important so one can have things they become responsible for. Being able to accomplish something from by one’s word shows their maturity in many scenarios. In my opinion, showing the obligation to acquire something is the most relevant when determining one’s consideration of adulthood. An adult is responsible for their own choices and are aware that their decisions can affect other people around them. The ability to balance out priorities like family, friends, work or school can be difficult but hitting the age of adulthood brings reason into a person. If a person is acknowledged to be responsible in another person’s point of view, it is most likely right to consider them as an adult despite of legal “laws” or accepted

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