Aladdin Meaning

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As a child we always look forward to the bed time stories about your favorite princess or the big bad wolf. Many people always dreamed about being the princess of a magical kingdom, but as time goes on reality hits with the cold hard truth that our dreams are the only things they will ever be. With the careful analysis of the fairy tales we realize the history behind every fairy tail. The fairy tales that we read now are nothing like the original version. With slight changes in every new version it makes the stories more magical for every child's imagination. One of the most popular fairy tales “Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp” started out as a Persian fairy tail for the adults, but with careful changes in the story we find the greater meaning …show more content…

Sometimes the moral of the story can be good or bad. Although the story is meaningful it hypnotizes us to think that we need a lot of wealth to marry a pretty girl. This lesson could affect us in our adulthood and make us perceive life as a competition for wealth. While “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” has a bad lesson there are many good things that come from it. Joan Brogan explains the impact that fairy tales can on children by saying,“Fairy tales connect children on an emotional level that can help guide them through the complexities of everyday life” (Wipf). Children have a very vulnerable mind so reading fairy tales can impact the way they perceive the world around them. Not only can fairy tales shape the way children deal with emotion, but they can also teach important life lessons. One database describes the life lessons, “Fairy tales deal with deep inner struggles in which children must learn to cope, not only internally but in society at large. These tales teach that struggle is unavoidable, but with perseverance one can emerge victorious” (Wipf). “Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp” teaches young people that not everything is going to go our way but with hard work we can overcome anything. When analyzing the text of the fairy tale we can learn important life lessons to help us get through

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