Al Gore's Ethos In The Film An Inconvenient Truth

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An Inconvenient Truth, was a very eye opening film. Firstly, Al Gore establishes the ethos of a public servant whose concern stems from ethical and moral rather than political motivation.Last but not least, He uses his personal experiences as a father and brother to stress the deep commitment he has to this issue. In An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore wants to reach a large audience, particularly nonscientists, to stress the urgency of responding to global warming. Firstly, Al Gore establishes the ethos of a public servant whose concern stems from ethical and moral rather than political motivation.One of the best moments from the film was when Gore said that instead of focusing on terrorists we should worry about other things.It is very true that the US goverment is focused on terrorists more than every other national problem. Al Gore was almost our president and he seems to know how to balance the importance of our nation's problems. In addition, He provides an enormous amount of technical information by taking advantage of a multimedia format.Al Gore appeals to logos and pathos in the presentation of scientific concepts.The entire film is presented in the context of a lecture hall, which gives a sense of the seriousness …show more content…

Al gore spoke about how his son almost died and it made him ponder if he wanted his son to live in the same world.He also spoke about how in the farm he was raised in grew tobacco and that since his sister smoked tobacco from a young age she died of lung cancer.In An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore appeals to logos and pathos in the presentation of scientific concepts. The entire film is presented in the context of a lecture hall, which gives a sense of the seriousness associated with a university setting. Yet, there is emotional content when the camera pans the audience, made up of real people of various ages and

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