Air Jordan Research Paper

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Title: #1 of All-Time: “Air Jordan”

“M.J. is the shot of success” Phil Jackson (Biography). M.J. won 6 championships, 2 Olympics gold medals, 5 MVP awards, and 14 All-Star game appearances. He led his Chicago Bulls team to a 72-10 record, the best record in the national basketball association. Michael Jordan’s incredible career let the world know who he was by his signature shoes and changing the game of basketball.
People thought Michael Jordan was just going to be a similar basketball player like the rest in the NBA. “Phil Jackson believed that Jordan had somehow been transformed in the public mind”. (Biography) The people didn’t know how special he was becoming in sports. Just how Babe Ruth was to baseball that’s how Michael Jordan was …show more content…

Some players would just give up when it comes to guarding Michael Jordan, they would just let Jordan drive to the basket. More people started to watch the NBA once Michael Jordan went in the league. Jordan’s accomplishments on & off the court make him the ideal poster human. “The attendance at Chicago stadium rose by in 1984-1985 and on the road”. (Encyclopedia Britannica) Michael Jordan wasn’t just and All-Star he was a god to basketball. M.J. was the definition of basketball by the hared-working he made in his career. The first shoes Michael Jordan made were the Air Jordan which changed the athletic shoe industry. “Most basketball shoes were white but the bold black and red styling of the Jordan changed that convention”. (Biography) Air Jordan’s changed the style of other basketball players and almost half of the league is wearing Jordan’s. The shoes were so popular everyone in the world started wearing them. In 2012 Jordan shoes made about 2 million dollars all around the world and in 2013 they made about 2.5 million. While Jordan’s sales were going up the Nike sales started going down frequently. So many people wear Jordan shoes on/off the court every single day. Jordan’s became the most popular shoes, the company that makes the shoes make about 80% of profit. “Nike decided that the Jordan brand was so strong that it should become a sub-brand of Nike”. (Biography) The Air Jordan’s have always been part of the Nike Company and

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