Aging Class Reflection

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When I originally started this class, I was apprehensive that I would learn a lot about aging. However, I am happy to say that I have learned so much more about aging than I anticipated. This class has changed my view of aging, although some views have stayed the same. I am still not scared about dying or the idea of death, I am more scared however about aging. Before I took this class, I wrote about the fear I faced in relation to the loss of independence that will come with ageing. After taking this class, I am still dreading this loss of independence, but am encouraged to do as much as I can for myself, for as long as I can. I take comfort in the types of long term care options that are available. Before this class I assumed that all long-term care would almost completely strip the resident of …show more content…

I know that as a straight, white female I am privileged in many ways, I did not think that this would change how I experience aging when compared to someone with a different ethnic background or sexual identity. I am most thankful for this class for teaching me that each aging experience is different and some groups are subjected to more difficulties or experience drastically different situations that I may never have to face because of my background. Before I started this class I was worried about the social stigmas that come with aging. After taking this class, I feel I contributed to those stigmas and held some of them as true. I was wrong, after taking this class I have a greater understanding of the elderly and the aging process. This understanding equips me with the empathy to see why elders may act or say the things they do. I would encourage anyone who does not have some knowledge of the aging process or how difficult and scary being an elderly can be, to do some research before labeling elderly people as rude or impatient

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