Aggression And Aggression Essay

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Role of Aggression in Marital Conflicts
Marriage is legal bound between man and women to spend their whole lives together. While living together they may face conflicts including perception, making a decision. Every marriage has challenges. Every marriage has difficulties because marriage is comprised of two people of very different personalities, very different gifting. Two people that are independent and they decide to come together and be married for the rest of their life. Well this can cause conflict. Aggression is an important factor creating a conflict Aggression is any behavior directed toward another individual that is carried out with the immediate intent to cause harm. Research shows that aggressive behavior leads to …show more content…

In current years, aggression scholars have question the established statement that anger causes aggression (Berkowitz 1993, Geen 2001).We suppose anger plays a number of causal roles in aggression (Berkowitz 2001).First, Anger sometimes provides a reason for aggressive acceptance. Anger may sometimes interfere with higher level cognitive processes.
Second, anger allows a person to keep an aggressive intention over time.
Anger increases attention to the frustrating events and therefore improves recall of those events. Thus, anger allows one to return the state that was present in the originally provoking situation.
Third, anger is used as an information signal. It informs people about causes and possible ways of responding of that …show more content…

Such anger associated knowledge structures are used to take to mean the situation and to provide aggressive responses to the situation. One related consequence of the many links between anger and various knowledge structures is that people commonly pay more attention to anger related stimuli than to similar neutral stimuli. Fifth, anger energizes behavior by increasing arousal levels. Aggressive behavior is one prone form of behavior that is energized by anger.
Types of aggressive behavior
Reactive aggression reactive aggressive behavior is unplanned and impulsive and is usually response of feeling of fear and anger. That is physical in nature.
Proactive aggression proactive aggressive behavior is planned, calculated and have some motives other than harming someone, including death by using weapons, even bare hand. it is also physical in nature.
Verbal aggression verbal aggression including bullying, emotional abuse, threats, yelling and name calling. It is psychological in nature.
Nonverbal aggression nonverbal aggression including sending unwanted gifts, killing someone close to that person for example

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