African American Mantoli Murder Case Analysis

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The Lead Story
Depressing murder of Enrico Mantoli
The conductor of the Wells Music Festival Enrico Mantoli was pronounced dead around 4:20am in the morning five days ago. His body was found at the corner of Piney Street and the highway. “This is a crime that has shocked all local citizens and police. The murder of the victim is unsettling even for the most experienced police investigator in the city. We suggest all citizens to stay inside their house and decrease their out door activities. ” The police spokesman said. On the press conference yesterday at the police station, the newly appointed chief Bill Gillespie said that the police has handed the investigation to the experienced homicide police officer Virgil Tibbs from Pasadena, California. …show more content…

According to the police spokesman. “Virgil Tibbs is an honest and smart police officer. When Virgil is on duty, he brings a new and different view to the murder case is working on.” Virgil Tibbs specialized in homicide investigation and worked at the pasadena police department. Virgil Tibbs is temporarily working for the wells police department and lead investigation of the Murder of Enrico Mantoli. Virgil is working with other officers of the wells police department to find out who killed Enrico Mantoli why he was killed. This is the first time a African American Officer took the lead of a investigation in Wells. After he took the lead of the police force, the police are getting more and more progress, including the discover of the possible weapon used. “The people of Wells seems to have high hopes for …show more content…

First look i get from this pie that it is well made. Also made with lots of care. The pie has three layers a top layer that is soft. The second layer is a cherry paste with chances of cherry in the inside of the paste. The bottom layer is a crunchy crust the extends and connects to the the top layer.When I took my first bite into this pie i get a very sharp cherry taste right away. once the cherry taster is gone you get the taste of the top and bottom layer witch have a sweet but not very tasteful taste. As you take more bites into this pie the taste of cherry gets emphasized a lot and the crust and top layer start to fade away. The parts of the pie do not really help the sharp taste of the cherry inside of the pie. After tasting this well constructer pie i give it a 9/10, because it has a great cherry taste yet the other parts of the pie could support the cherry taste and help make it

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