Afghanistan Research Paper

1111 Words3 Pages

Afghanistan is a country that has had a long and interesting history. The countries geography is quite odd and makes it a trouble for invading countries. Religion in Afghanistan has changed vastly over time. Festivals in this country can last for up to a week but not everything is fun and games in
Afghanistan is a country that has developed over a long period of time. In prehistoric times there were still people living in Afghanistan as hunters. Then, many thousands of years later people learnt how to farm and herd animals and finally between 4000-2000BC some villages grew to become small cities.
Afghanistan put up with many invasions as well like the Central Asians, Persians and the Greeks and
Macedonians which …show more content…

The country is split east to west by the Hindu Kush mountain range which in the east rises to 7,315m. Most of Afghanistan is covered in snow capped mountains with the exception in the south east. The country is also traversed by deep valleys and is located in south west Asia. The country is made up of three regions which are the Northern Plains, the
Central Highlands and the South western Lowlands. The Northern Plains consists of mountain plateaus and rolling hills. The Afghans raise sheep and goats in the vast grasslands here. The Central
Highlands takes up about two thirds of Afghanistan and has the Hindu Kush mountain range running through it. Most Afghans that live in the Central Highlands live down in the valleys. The South western
Lowlands are mainly desert but when not they’re semi desert. This region of Afghanistan is crossed by the Helmand River. Down in Helmand Valley barley, corn, fruits and wheat are grown.
In Afghanistan about 99% of Afghans are Muslim. This religion strongly influences family and community relationships as well as many other aspects in life. Most villages will have a religious leader called a ‘mullah’ who will educate the young people and lead in prayers. A ‘mullah’ can

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